Project/Cruise: NAAMES3 - 2017

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Aerosol Chemistry Distributions
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  • VESSEL: R/V Atlantis 
  • DEPARTED: Woods Hole, Massachusetts on 30 AUGUST, 2017
  • ARRIVED: Woods Hole, Massachusetts on 24 September, 2017
  • Link to more NAAMES3 pages

Note: Additional information is available using the Info Icon Info Icon wherever it occurs. Some browsers may lack MouseOver functionality, but a click on the Info Icon directs helpful comments to a secondary window. The RESET button restores all form entries to their defaults; any of the PLOT buttons will generate the plot; the browser's BACK function will return to the previous page without plotting.
testpoint1 cruise is NAAMES3
Select Independent (x-axis) Variable and Range
Format Times as in 19-may-1998:12:00 Latitudes and Longitudes with the hemisphere designators N,S,E,W. Values are initialized to the full space (lower-left to upper-right) and time range.
Use radio buttons to select TIME, LAT, or LON as x-axis Time Latitude Longitude
Select Dependent (y-axis) Variable(s) Select variables to be plotted and associate each with a panel (up to five permitted), the left or right hand axis of that panel, and choose whether the data points should be connected by a line. The variable name (which may be changed) will appear on the plot. If a variable is not selected the PANEL, AXIS, and CONNECT attributes are irrelevant.
Top ... Bottom Left Right Yes No
Ship Latitude at 1 Minute Interval
Ship Ship Longitude at 1 Minute Interval
Ship Speed over Ground from PMEL GPS
Ship Course over Ground, Direction ship is moving
GyroCompass Heading, Direction ship's bow is pointing
True Wind Speed from Ship SCS, IMET sensor
Wind Direction from Ship SCS, IMET sensor
Eastward Wind from Ship SCS, IMET sensor
Northward Wind from Ship SCS, IMET sensor
Wind Speed relative to Ship from PMEL WX520
Wind Dirn relative to Bow (-90/0/+90 for port/ahead/starboard)
Ship WXT520 sensor
Relative Humidity
Barometric Pressure
Insolation from Epply Radiometer
Rainfall rate from WXT520 sensor
Sea Surface Temperature from hull mounted temperature probe
Sea Surface Salinity from Thermosalinograph
Condensation Nuclei Dp > 13 microns, 1 min Averages
Ultrafine Condensation Nuclei Dp > 5 microns, 1 min Averages
Condensation Nuclei Dp > 13 microns, 1 min Averages
Ultrafine Condensation Nuclei Dp > 5 microns, 1 min Averages
Atmospheric Ozone, 1 min Averages
Atmospheric Radon, 30 min Averages
Sub180nanometer Aerosol Organic Carbon from Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Organic Carbon from Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Organic Carbon from Impactor
Sub180nanometer Aerosol Organic Carbon from Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Organic Carbon from Impactor
Light Scattering by Submicron Aerosols in ambient air at ~60%RH, Blue(450nm), 60 Sec Averages
Light Scattering by Submicron Aerosols in ambient air at ~60%RH, Green(550nm), 60 Sec Averages
Light Scattering by Submicron Aerosols in ambient air at ~60%RH, Red(700nm), 60 Sec Averages
Submicron Nephelometer Sample RH, 60 sec Averages
Light Scattering by Submicron Aerosols in ambient air at ~60%RH, Blue(450nm), 60 Sec Averages
Light Scattering by Submicron Aerosols in ambient air at ~60%RH, Green(550nm), 60 Sec Averages
Light Scattering by Submicron Aerosols in SeaSweep air at ~60%RH, Red(700nm), 60 Sec Averages
Submicron Nephelometer Sample RH, SeaSweep air, 60 sec Averages
Light Scattering by all Aerosols at ~60% RH, Blue(450nm), 60 Sec Averages
Light Scattering by all Aerosols at ~60% RH, Green(550nm), 60 Sec Averages
Light Scattering by all Aerosols at ~60% RH, Red(700nm), 60 Sec Averages
Nephelometer (sub 10 microns) Sample RH, 60 sec Averages
Light Scattering in SeaSweep air by all Aerosols at ~60% RH, Blue(450nm), 60 Sec Averages
Light Scattering in SeaSweep air by all Aerosols at ~60% RH, Green(550nm), 60 Sec Averages
Light Scattering in SeaSweep air by all Aerosols at ~60% RH, Red(700nm), 60 Sec Averages
Nephelometer (sub 10 microns) Sample RH in SeaSweep air, 60 sec Averages
Light Absorbtion by submicron Aerosols, Blue, 1 min Averages
Light Absorbtion by submicron Aerosols, Green, 1 min Averages
Light Absorbtion by submicron Aerosols, Red, 1 min Averages
Light Absorbtion by submicron Aerosols, Blue, 1 min Averages
Lqight Absorbtion by submicron Aerosols, Green, 1 min Averages
Light Absorbtion by submicron Aerosols, Red, 1 min Averages
Submicron Aerosol Sodium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Sodium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Ammonium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Ammonium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Potassium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Potassium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Magnesium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Magnesium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Calcium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Calcium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Sodium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Sodium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Ammonium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Ammonium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Potassium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Potassium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Magnesium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Magnesium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Calcium from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Calcium from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Methane Sulfonic Acid from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Methane Sulfonic Acid from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Chloride from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Chloride from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Bromide from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Bromide from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Nitrate from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Nitrate from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Methane Sulfonic Acid from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Methane Sulfonic Acid from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Chloride from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Chloride from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Bromide from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Bromide from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Nitrate from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Nitrate from 2-Stage Impactor
Submicron Aerosol Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor
Supermicron Aerosol Sulfate from 2-Stage Impactor
SeaSweep Cloud Condensation Nuclei
SeaSweep Condensation Nuclei Dp > 13 microns,
SeaSweep CCN/CN ratio
SeaSweep Cloud Condensation Nuclei Supersaturation
Selected Diameter of Input Stream
Cloud Condensation Nuclei
SeaSweep Condensation Nuclei Dp > 13 microns,
CCN/CN ratio
Cloud Condensation Nuclei Supersaturation
Click here to reset to default values.

U.S.Dept of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / PMEL / Atmospheric Chemistry