Station Locations and Instruments
Station locations:
- BND, Bondville, IL ( 40.05N, 88.4W)
- BRW, Barrow, AK (71.3N, 156.6W)
- CHB, Chebogue Point, Canada (43.74N, 66.12W)
- CPO, Cheeka Peak, WA ( 48.3N, 124.6W)
- DEN, Denali National Park, AK (63.45N, 149.3W)
- HOM, Homer, AK (59.7N, 151.5W)
- KOS, Kosan, Cheju Island, South Korea (33.29N, 126.16E)
- PFL, Poker Flat Rocket Range, AK (65.1N, 147.5W)
- SGP, Southern Great Plains, Lamont, OK (36.6N, 97.5W )
- THD, Trinidad Head, CA (41.05N, 124.15W)
- WSA, Sable Island, Nova Scotia (43.9N, 60.0W)
Measurements are made in cooperation with NOAA/ESRL/GMD. Further station information can be found here.
Data can be downloaded here
The filter rack consists of a filter carousel with 8 filters. Seven of the filters are operated consecutively over the course of 1 week to obtain daily submicron aerosol samples. The eighth sample serves as a field blank. One supermicron sample is collected per week on an impactor jet plate located upstream of the filter carousel.