ACE-1 Southern Hemisphere Aerosol Characterization Experiment
The Southern Hemisphere Marine Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-1) was the first of a series of IGAC experiments designed to quantify the chemical, physical, and meteorological processes controlling the evolution and properties of the atmospheric aerosol relevant to radiative forcing and climate. The PMEL-JISAO Atmospheric Chemistry Group conducted gas and aerosol measurements aboard the NOAA ship Discoverer from Seattle (11 October 1995) to Hobart (10 November 1995) and during the ACE-1 intensive south and west of Tasmania (15 November - 14 December, 1995).
ACE-1 Schedule
- 17-18 January 1995 US NSF/NOAA proposal panel review
- 13-17 February 1995 ACE-1 planning meeting, Hilo, Hawaii
- 18-21 April NCAR C-130 meeting, Boulder, CO
- 14-16 August 1995 ACE-1 final operations meeting, Boulder, CO
- 14 August - 1 Sept 1995 Aerosol workshop, Seattle, WA
- 11 October 1995 NOAA ship Discoverer departs Seattle for Hobart
- 1 November 1995 C-130 departs Boulder
- 15 Nov-14 Dec 1995 ACE-1
- 24-28 June 1996 Data Workshop, Seattle, WA
- 26-30 August 1996 14th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, Helsinki, Finland
- 14 December 1996 ACE-1 meeting, San Francisco, CA
- 15-19 December 1996 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA
- 3-7 March 1997 Data Workshop, Hilo, Hawaii
- 1-9 July 1997 IAMAS Assembly, Melbourne, Australia