Size Distribution Data for: NAAMES2 - 2016

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Aerosol Chemistry Distributions
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  • VESSEL: R/V Atlantis 
  • DEPARTED: Woods Hole, Massachusetts on 11 May, 2016
  • ARRIVED: Woods Hole, Massachusetts on 05 June, 2016
  • Link to more NAAMES2 pages

Size Distribution Plot Setup for NAAMES2-DMPS-APS-SEASWEEP-v0

Note: By default, the time units for the size Distribution plots are in DOY (Day-Of-Year). We define DOY such that DOY 32.5 is noon, UTC on 1-February. The time units can be changed to Day-Month-Year by clicking on the button below. On the contour plots, by default, time increases going up. Time can be reversed (going from top to bottom) in the DOY mode, but not in the Day-Month-Year mode. To reverse the time axis in the DOY mode, enter the larger time limit in the "start" box.

Change Time Units to:
Time Limits Size Limits

Start:  Small:  µm
Large:  µm
Use Smooth Contours 
Use Rectangular Color Shade
Size Distribution Parameter
Surface Area
Use Default Contour Levels
Use Custom Contour Levels (below)


U.S.Dept of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / PMEL / Atmospheric Chemistry