#HEADER# PROJECT=NAAMES3 PLATFORM=ATLANTIS FILE_START_TIME=2017 08 30 12 00 FILE_STOP_TIME=2017 09 23 12 00 DATA_TYPE=TIMESERIES-1D VERSION=1 SUBMIT_DATE=07-Dec-2018 SOURCE=Bates, Timothy/NOAA-PMEL/Phone: 206-526-6348 /Address: 7600 Sand Pt. Wy. NE,Seattle,WA 98115 /email: tim.bates@noaa.gov #REMARKS# Data Source Description= Impactor Collected aerosol organic and carbon data in seasweep air - collected with 2 stage impactors during NAAMES3 2017 Time Description= irregular time interval Other= Below Detection Level Indicator = 0 Version 0= Initial version, no comments Version 1= Ver. 0 had bad times and data on the third sample, This is corrected in Version 1 #TIME PARAMETERS# year month day hour minute second #PARAMETER# Duration minutes * 0 59 -999 628 #PARAMETER# DayOfYear DecimalDay * 1 365.9999 -999 627 #PARAMETER# LAT Deg GPS -90 90 -999 500 #PARAMETER# LONGT Deg GPS -180 360 -999 502 #PARAMETER# sub180nmOC ug/m3 Filter/Impactor Collection - Sunset Labs thermal/optical analyzer 0 20 -999 2020 #PARAMETER# subOC ug/m3 Filter/Impactor Collection - Sunset Labs thermal/optical analyzer 0 20 -999 1959 #DATA 2 HEADINGS# Y M D HR Min Sec Dur DayOfYear LAT LONGT sub180nmOC subOC Y M D HR Min Sec Min DecimalDay Deg Deg ug/m3 ug/m3 2017 9 4 14 35 0 125.0 247.65104 42.391897 -42.955093 3.35 2.41 2017 9 4 23 45 0 121.0 248.03160 42.374202 -42.905245 2.44 1.34 2017 9 5 3 28 0 94.0 248.17708 42.383393 -42.876902 2.53 2.41 2017 9 6 3 26 0 119.0 249.18437 44.369773 -43.414488 1.95 2.2 2017 9 6 7 55 0 124.0 249.37292 44.371952 -43.395755 1.08 1.45 2017 9 6 11 34 0 127.0 249.52604 44.37128 -43.373413 2.72 3.16 2017 9 8 2 53 0 121.0 251.16215 47.080645 -40.100725 1.16 1.83 2017 9 8 7 4 0 122.0 251.33681 47.054175 -40.063492 1.5 1.82 2017 9 8 11 15 0 121.0 251.51076 46.989432 -40.099613 2.09 2.02 2017 9 10 2 57 0 120.0 253.16458 48.638843 -39.137375 1.02 1.59 2017 9 10 7 1 0 124.0 253.33542 48.643037 -39.135863 1.06 1.79 2017 9 10 11 6 0 123.0 253.50521 48.637263 -39.145322 1.53 1.5 2017 9 12 5 38 0 124.0 255.27778 51.67394 -39.505813 0.39 0.75 2017 9 12 10 26 0 126.0 255.47847 51.696078 -39.539748 0.76 1.23 2017 9 15 11 14 0 133.0 258.51424 53.431742 -39.469167 -999 -999 2017 9 15 14 42 0 128.0 258.65694 53.418413 -39.485307 0.8 1.01 2017 9 15 18 1 0 119.0 258.79201 53.405055 -39.50932 0.73 0.92 2017 9 16 4 43 0 121.0 259.23854 53.383655 -39.574313 0.58 0.56 2017 9 16 8 3 0 121.0 259.37743 53.382663 -39.58536 0.87 1.41 2017 9 16 11 1 0 108.0 259.49653 53.396017 -39.624703 1.11 0.96