#HEADER# PROJECT=ATOMIC PLATFORM=RONALD_H_BROWN FILE_START_TIME=2020 01 07 18 00 FILE_STOP_TIME=2020 02 02 12 00 DATA_TYPE=TIMESERIES-1D VERSION=0 SUBMIT_DATE=08-Apr-2020 SOURCE=Quinn, Patricia/NOAA-PMEL/Phone: 206-526-6892 /Address: 7600 Sand Pt. Wy. NE,Seattle,WA 98115 /email: Patricia.K.Quinn@noaa.gov #REMARKS# Data Source Description= Aerosol chemistry data of ambient air, Cations - collected with 2 stage impactors from R/V RONALD H. BROWN ATOMIC 2020 Time Description= irregular time interval Other=All uncertainties are 'common sense' estimates Below Detection Level Indicator = 0 Version 0= Initial version, no comments #TIME PARAMETERS# year month day hour minute second #PARAMETER# Duration minutes * 0 3000 -999 628 #PARAMETER# DayOfYear DecimalDay * 1 365.9999 -999 627 #PARAMETER# LAT Deg GPS -90 90 -999 500 #PARAMETER# LONGT Deg GPS -180 360 -999 502 #PARAMETER# subNa ug/m3 2-stage impactor -- ion chromatographic analysis 0 50 -999 1920 #PARAMETER# supNa ug/m3 2-stage impactor -- ion chromatographic analysis 0 50 -999 1921 #PARAMETER# subNH4 ug/m3 2-stage impactor -- ion chromatographic analysis 0 50 -999 1923 #PARAMETER# supNH4 ug/m3 2-stage impactor -- ion chromatographic analysis 0 50 -999 1924 #PARAMETER# subK ug/m3 2-stage impactor -- ion chromatographic analysis 0 50 -999 1926 #PARAMETER# supK ug/m3 2-stage impactor -- ion chromatographic analysis 0 50 -999 1927 #PARAMETER# subMg ug/m3 2-stage impactor -- ion chromatographic analysis 0 50 -999 1929 #PARAMETER# supMg ug/m3 2-stage impactor -- ion chromatographic analysis 0 50 -999 1930 #PARAMETER# subCa ug/m3 2-stage impactor -- ion chromatographic analysis 0 50 -999 1932 #PARAMETER# supCa ug/m3 2-stage impactor -- ion chromatographic analysis 0 50 -999 1933 #DATA 2 HEADINGS# Y M D HR Min Sec Dur DayOfYear LAT LONGT subNa supNa subNH4 supNH4 subK supK subMg supMg subCa supCa Y M D HR Min Sec Min DecimalDay Deg Deg ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 2020 1 7 22 2 0 720.0 8.16806 13.3258 -57.8479 0.05 2.156 0.091 0 0.09 0.102 0.009 0.265 0.03 0.369 2020 1 8 13 56 0 613.0 8.79340 13.7646 -55.7187 0.127 4.828 0.089 0 0.18 0.22 0.026 0.565 0.11 0.826 2020 1 9 1 40 0 529.0 9.25313 14.1585 -53.8068 0.213 6.245 0.099 0 0.018 0.22 0.028 0.704 0.016 0.29 2020 1 9 12 8 0 1337.0 9.96979 14.7188 -51.2397 0.127 4.461 0.045 0 0.027 0.165 0.014 0.505 0 0.181 2020 1 10 12 2 0 1345.0 10.96840 15.1547 -51.2602 0.094 2.879 0.025 0 0.008 0.102 0.012 0.328 0 0.116 2020 1 11 11 50 0 1358.0 11.96458 15.4627 -51.5369 0.119 3.953 0.03 0 0.008 0.147 0.016 0.447 0.009 0.188 2020 1 12 11 54 0 1354.0 12.96597 14.7387 -50.9842 0.135 4.699 0.053 0 0.013 0.168 0.015 0.531 0.007 0.191 2020 1 13 13 21 0 1271.0 13.99757 15.7467 -51.3551 0.143 4.989 0.037 0 0.01 0.181 0.019 0.553 0.007 0.186 2020 1 14 13 17 0 1275.0 14.99618 15.4851 -51.4072 0.107 4.026 0.023 0 0.007 0.144 0.013 0.45 0 0.152 2020 1 15 12 40 0 1296.0 15.97778 14.8082 -50.9607 0.085 3.418 0.032 0 0.004 0.123 0.01 0.381 0 0.133 2020 1 16 13 35 0 1265.0 17.00521 14.8414 -51.0207 0.068 2.831 0.023 0 0 0.107 0.01 0.324 0 0.088 2020 1 17 12 15 0 1329.0 17.97188 14.8471 -51.0140 0.075 3.024 0.047 0 0.01 0.11 0.009 0.334 0 0.108 2020 1 19 0 15 0 1306.0 19.46389 14.3509 -53.0029 0.068 2.359 0.055 0 0.014 0.088 0.012 0.265 0 0.108 2020 1 19 22 58 0 1367.0 20.43160 14.3506 -53.0047 0.051 2.227 0.042 0 0.009 0.082 0.009 0.248 0.01 0.089 2020 1 20 22 55 0 1378.0 21.43333 14.3635 -53.0253 0.08 3.091 0.021 0 0.008 0.108 0.01 0.34 0.011 0.118 2020 1 21 22 54 0 1266.0 22.39375 14.6179 -52.8674 0.05 2.45 0.032 0 0.005 0.087 0.005 0.271 0 0.097 2020 1 23 10 30 0 689.0 23.67674 14.3776 -55.0029 0.035 2.055 0.052 0 0 0.079 0.007 0.225 0 0.08 2020 1 24 18 20 0 1540.0 25.29861 13.1416 -59.0720 0.025 1.04 0.036 0 0 0.036 0.003 0.116 0 0.034 2020 1 29 2 57 0 1143.0 29.51979 13.4898 -57.1814 0.052 2.074 0.087 0 0.061 0.097 0.008 0.245 0.026 0.222 2020 1 29 23 50 0 1297.0 30.44340 13.9426 -54.4921 0.031 3.573 0.032 0 0.058 0.193 0.006 0.425 0.029 0.866 2020 1 31 0 43 0 1277.0 31.47326 13.9010 -54.4994 0.14 5.303 0.15 0 0.196 0.253 0.023 0.627 0.065 0.702 2020 1 31 23 15 0 1370.0 32.44444 13.9002 -54.5005 0.074 2.691 0.147 0 0.187 0.15 0.015 0.327 0.053 0.574 2020 2 1 23 35 0 1350.0 33.45139 13.9006 -54.4999 0.066 2.183 0.148 0 0.222 0.143 0.016 0.271 0.07 0.665 2020 2 2 23 57 0 1148.0 34.39653 13.9004 -54.5003 0.058 2.101 0.14 0 0.209 0.132 0.014 0.26 0.065 0.646 2020 2 6 21 9 0 1490.0 38.39861 13.4674 -56.7338 0.189 6.804 0.093 0 0.026 0.245 0.021 0.759 0.011 0.249 2020 2 7 23 33 0 1349.0 39.44965 14.0508 -54.2625 0.134 4.353 0.041 0 0.013 0.154 0.017 0.488 0 0.165 2020 2 8 23 20 0 2196.0 40.73472 13.8527 -54.8625 0.17 6.219 0.1 0 0.19 0.258 0.023 0.704 0.026 0.521