42, 1001 Quinn, Patricia NOAA-PMEL Aerosol Optical Depth Data from R/V R/V Knorr during WACS2 2014 WACS2 2014 1, 1 2014, 05, 20, 2022, 10, 17 0 Start_UTC, seconds 10 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999 Stop_UTC, seconds Mid_UTC, seconds LAT, Deg LONGT, Deg AOD_380, dimensionless AOD_440, dimensionless AOD_500, dimensionless AOD_675, dimensionless AOD_870, dimensionless AirMass, Atm 0 18 PI_CONTACT_INFO: Phone: 206-526-6892 Address: 7600 Sand Pt. Wy. NE,Seattle,WA 98115 email: Patricia.K.Quinn@noaa.gov PLATFORM; KNORR LOCATION; Western Atlantic Ocean ASSOCIATED_DATA; N/A INSTRUMENT_INFO: LAT: GPS; LONGT: GPS; AOD_380: Microtops sunphotometer, SN 3803; AOD_440: Microtops sunphotometer, SN 3803; AOD_500: Microtops sunphotometer, SN 3803; AOD_675: Microtops sunphotometer, SN 3803; AOD_870: Microtops sunphotometer, SN 3803; AirMass: Microtops sunphotometer and GPS; DATA_INFO; N/A UNCERTAINTY: LAT: +/-0.001 deg; LONGT: +/-0.001 deg; AOD_380: +/-0.015 AOD; AOD_440: +/-0.015 AOD; AOD_500: +/-0.015 AOD; AOD_675: +/-0.015 AOD; AOD_870: ; AirMass: +/-0.01 AirMass; ULOD_FLAG: -7777 ULOD_VALUE: N/A LLOD_FLAG: -8888 LLOD_VALUE: N/A DM_CONTACT_INFO: J Johnson, email: james.e.johnson@noaa.gov, phone: 206-526-6355 PROJECT_INFO: WACS2 2014; May 20 - June 05, 2014 STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: Use of these data require prior ok from PI. OTHER_COMMENTS: All data are 1 averages of several shots over about 1 minute, data start times are irregular with gaps between REVISION:R0 R0:Initial version, no comments Start_UTC, Stop_UTC, Mid_UTC, LAT, LONGT, AOD_380, AOD_440, AOD_500, AOD_675, AOD_870, AirMass 331861, 340491.478, 336176, -62.11, 0.09872, 0.08476, 0.07165, 0.04905, 0.03714, 1.75599, 332101, 340731.646, 336416, -62.11, 0.10259, 0.08824, 0.07659, 0.05096, 0.03728, 1.79007, 332941, 341572.246, 337256, -62.11, 0.10416, 0.08850, 0.07172, 0.04954, 0.03992, 1.92935, 565921, 574714.03, 570317, -61.644, 0.07343, 0.05869, 0.04876, 0.03988, 0.04188, 1.33286, 566161, 574954.168, 570557, -61.644, 0.07339, 0.05756, 0.04509, 0.03730, 0.03855, 1.32072, 567841, 576635.344, 572238, -61.644, 0.08490, 0.06522, 0.05049, 0.03875, 0.04288, 1.23520, 569941, 578736.796, 574338, -61.644, 0.08575, 0.06948, 0.05405, 0.03667, 0.03109, 1.15917, 572401, 581198.524, 576799, -61.644, 0.09379, 0.07656, 0.05864, 0.03891, 0.03657, 1.10251, 578161, 586962.538, 582561, -61.66, 0.08580, 0.07365, 0.05348, 0.03872, 0.02969, 1.08003,