38, 1001 Quinn, Patricia NOAA-PMEL Aerosol Chemistry Data, Gravimetrically-determined Mass - collected with 2 stage impactors during ATOMIC 2020 ATOMIC 2020 1, 1 2020, 01, 07, 2022, 02, 24 0 Start_UTC, seconds 6 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999 Stop_UTC, seconds Mid_UTC, seconds LAT, Deg LONGT, Deg subMass, ug/m3 supMass, ug/m3 0 18 PI_CONTACT_INFO: Phone: 206-526-6892 Address: 7600 Sand Pt. Wy. NE,Seattle,WA 98115 email: Patricia.K.Quinn@noaa.gov PLATFORM; RONALD_H_BROWN LOCATION; Atlantic Ocean ASSOCIATED_DATA; N/A INSTRUMENT_INFO: LAT: GPS; LONGT: GPS; subMass: 2-stage impactor -- gravimetric analysis; supMass: 2-stage impactor -- gravimetric analysis; DATA_INFO; N/A UNCERTAINTY: LAT: ; LONGT: ; subMass: ; supMass: ; ULOD_FLAG: -7777 ULOD_VALUE: N/A LLOD_FLAG: -8888 LLOD_VALUE: N/A; N/A; ; ; ; DM_CONTACT_INFO: J Johnson, email: james.e.johnson@noaa.gov, phone: 206-526-6355 PROJECT_INFO: ATOMIC 2020; January 07 - February 12, 2020 STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: Use of these data require prior ok from PI. OTHER_COMMENTS: REVISION:R0 R0:Initial version, no comments Start_UTC, Stop_UTC, Mid_UTC, LAT, LONGT, subMass, supMass 79320, 122520, 100920, 13.3258, -57.8479, 4.72, 22.97 136560, 173340, 154950, 13.7646, -55.7187, 17.33, 68.1 178800, 210540, 194670, 14.1585, -53.8068, 2.38, 30.41 216480, 296700, 256590, 14.7188, -51.2397, 1.34, 21.44 302520, 383220, 342870, 15.1547, -51.2602, 0.7, 14.81 388200, 469680, 428940, 15.4627, -51.5369, 0.99, 21.35 474840, 556080, 515460, 14.7387, -50.9842, 1.51, 23.23 566460, 642720, 604590, 15.7467, -51.3551, 1.54, 48 652620, 729120, 690870, 15.4851, -51.4072, 1.22, 37.29 736800, 814560, 775680, 14.8082, -50.9607, 1.07, 36.8 826500, 902400, 864450, 14.8414, -51.0207, 0.77, 17.39 908100, 987840, 947970, 14.8471, -51.014, 1.02, 25.97 1037700, 1116060, 1076880, 14.3509, -53.0029, 1.27, 18.15 1119480, 1201500, 1160490, 14.3506, -53.0047, 0.67, 14.01 1205700, 1288380, 1247040, 14.3635, -53.0253, 0.68, 19.15 1292040, 1368000, 1330020, 14.6179, -52.8674, 0.86, 28.94 1420200, 1461540, 1440870, 14.3776, -55.0029, 1.14, 23.69 1534800, 1627200, 1581000, 13.1416, -59.072, 0.83, 6.67 1911420, 1980000, 1945710, 13.4898, -57.1814, 4.97, 31.06 1986600, 2064420, 2025510, 13.9426, -54.4921, 17.69, 65.26 2076180, 2152800, 2114490, 13.901, -54.4994, 11.84, 72.3 2157300, 2239500, 2198400, 13.9002, -54.5005, 11.81, 61.11 2244900, 2325900, 2285400, 13.9006, -54.4999, 13.87, 59.63 2332620, 2401500, 2367060, 13.9004, -54.5003, 12.76, 45.5 2668140, 2757540, 2712840, 13.4674, -56.7338, 3.15, 40.89 2763180, 2844120, 2803650, 14.0508, -54.2625, 1.88, 24.36